Hey Hey
Hi! I decided I needed a fun blog. I also have a serious blog where I like to think things out. Okay now sometimes what I write sounds really really smart because I use big words. I'd just like to say I don't talk like that in every day conversations. I repeat: I don't talk like that in real life!
Yeah so just wanted to make that clear!
Today was a good day. It was raining for a little while. That may have been what started my day nicely but I didn't go outside at lunch. It stopped raining at lunch. My friends and I were sitting on the bench in the lobby (this is where we sit when we don't go outside) and we were joined by a bunch of other people. I kept pulling the tap-you-on-one-shoulder-then-stand-on-the-other-side-of-you-trick It was hilarious! It was declared that I was a 2 year old trapped in a 14 year olds body!
A bunch of us were standing in a circle talking so I decided it was my time to strike! I ran around the circle tapping everyones shoulder! I got everybody turning around. I did the whole circle about 2 1/2 times!!! it was hilarious! the bell rang then so I couldn't try for 3 times! lols
In english (2nd period) it felt like the end of the day! That period lasted forever!!! But then French (last period of the day) Went by really really really fast! we were doing a quiz. My music probably had something to do with that! lols I mean I wasn't listen to music in class *shifty eyes* lols! I just got my back cracked an hour ago. Now I'm slouching...smart I know! lols
Well that was my day...or the short form of my day. If I went on then This blog would just keep going and going!
Love Always,
(P.S. I'm going to put a picture in every post!)
This is not me but it looks like me when I was small!

I was a fish when I was small! I haven't changed much since!
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