I love Auctions!
Today I woke up at 8am. Sorry let me rephrase that, My mother woke me up this morning at 8am...by being very anoying. My mom is on the District Fair board staff so she gets me into alot of things. Today I went to a Judging update class. Basically alot of older women get told what's changed about the rules and why. (not like judges who send law breaking people to jail, judges who go to fairs and look at what is entered then pick the best one)It was kinda boring at the start, but then we( I say we because I had nothing else to do and was aloud to) got to test 3 different pies, cookies, jams, and tea biscuits then pick the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th out of them all.
So yeah now I have the knowledge of a soon to be judge. But I'm going to Judging school next weekend then I apprentice with a real judge for 3 fairs then I get to become a judge:) Yeah! So when that was over mom and I cleaned up and got home around 2:30pm we left right away and went to an auction (it's been raining all day non stop)
I love auctions! But they take a long time! and I wasn't there at the start so I missed a crocket set (I love crocket by the way but that's a story for a different day) So at the auction my dad got 4 plastic chairs, one outside table, with a big umbrella, alot of cuchions, a grater(big metal blade to put behind a truck) a hammer, one extendable metal ladder, one step ladder, and a chocolate bar for me:) The end till was $77.55 where as you could get the table and umbrella for more then that! and the ladders for like alot more then that! I love auctions!!
Then dad went home to unload it all and left mom and I there freezing in the rain. About an hour and a half later he came back. We got hom,e about 7pm...I can't shake off the chill. and my hands won't warm up at all.
yep that's my day! Surprising I'm in a very good mood...oh and we got the leftovers from the judge class....MUFFINS AND COOKIES GALORE!!!!!! I'm in heaven!!

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