Ok so today I got up early(thank god my getting up late and missing the bus bad luck is over) caught the bus on time no problem. I had found my brothers rugby sock which is now mine because it was in my room and wore it today:) So I forgot to do the homework again that was due on monday for English (first period) but that was ok I'll do it tonight for sure.
Second period I had gym. So my teacher talked for a while then said " we'll be doing dodgeball today" we were all like sweet (we'd been have Health monday last week till now so it was a releif to do something else!) So we got into teams and set up and everything.(each team got 4 mats to hide behind and such) So about 2 minutes into the game I was in "no mans land" as I like to call it(the middle of the gym between the 2 teams)
Somebody (I remember who it was to lols) (Jen) Chucked the dodge ball at my hand and it went numb for like a minute then it was like hurting. I pretty much knew right away that I had broken or sprain my finger(don't ask how I just knew)Me being stupid and thinking we were playing DR. dodgeball sat down right in the middle of no mans land lols. so after being told to sit over there my finger really started to hurt so I went to look for the teacher but she wasn't there but our PAL was there. She said wait for her. As I waited my finger started swelling up so when the teacher Finally got back it was twice the size of what it used to be.
She brought me to the little freezer in the Gym office looked at it and got kinda freaked out then handed me a paper cut full of frozen water. I had to sit and watch my team loose 3 times!!! Not fun. After that was lunch. I had Alpha-geti for lunch and Megan helped me nuke it in the microwave in the caf.
So I eat my food and nothing exciting was happening so I figured I should probably go to the office and call my mom.
***********five mintue pause to get more ice*********************
The office person looked at my finger then went to get an ice pack for me(she's really nice) while I called my mom. I got the answering machine. So I left because heaven forbid I was to leave kelly by herself for to long! (lols) So I was sitting on the bench with my friends I wasn't Icing my finger then because I was suposed to take it off for 15 minutes and put it on for 15 minutes. Anyways so suposedly scott got pushed into me he ended up sitting on me and my finger which really hurt...(I swore :S) then the bell rang and I went to French then I was called down to the office cause my mom called back.
The office lady had a look at my finger and said she didn't think it was to good that it was crooked. It might be broken or sprained. The swelling is still twice the size of what it's suposed to look like. (It's my left pointing finger.) So mom came to get me, and now I'm's 2:04. We got homa around 1:10 I'm waiting until 3:00 so I can get it x-rayed at my chiropractors (don't ask)
Yep so that's what's happened so far today hopefully I'll be able to collect all the forms from people in Carp on my bike. For Relay for life. When I get back I'll write about what wrong with my finger.
Love Always,
(Can't get a picture today) I'll add one later...maybe I'll take a picture of my finger and show you.

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