Finger! Part 2
Ok so I went to my chiropractors, by then It was just starting to bruise but you could barely see it. It was the same size the swelling hadn't come down and it was still crooked. My chiropractor checked it out, she thought it was sprained or something she didn't want to pop it back into place for me so we took a trip to the Almonte Hospital down the road a peice.
We got there waited about 45 mins-an hour to see a doctor. Then he poked at it asked where it hurt. He said it was just a head on jam. It'll just be SORE and then he taped my middle finger and my SORE finger together. So I couldn't flip anyone the bird. So in short he basically said to my face " It'll just be sore lets just tape it up." as I look at my balloon of a finger that isn't facing the same way as my other 3 fingers.
I was so mad...we left there pretty quick though I think everyone should know that I wasn't rude and I was only holding up my 2 fingers not flipping him the bird in anyway:D So mom asked if I wanted to go back to the chiropractors I said YES! (She has an x-ray machine) So we arrived and she had to hold up a bunch of people to sqeeze us in (I felt real bad) I told her what the doctor had said. By now my whole finger basically was bruised purple.
So she x-rayed it and found out it was a brake which she didn't think it was and it's in the bottom section of my finger which she didn't think it was. It's called a spiral brake. It's a clean brake and it's kinda slanted across my finger.
So now we took a trip back to the hospital, that doctor was still there and he was like what are you doing here?(he didn't say that but you could tell that's what he was thinking) So he looked at my x-rays and called me in told me what it was.(oh by the way doctors don't like chiropractors and chiropractors don't really like doctors) He then put my hand in a wet fast setting kind of mold,and wrapped it in a tenser bandage. It's just temporary. On friday I'm going to cheo for some special thing they have to do because of my slanted top part of my finger.
So we fibally got back home around 6:30. That's total of 3 hours to get this mold thing.Which is really good considering If I had gone to cheo I would have had to wait atleast 3 or 4 hours just to get through the waiting line.
So I'm not aloud to bike, play guitar, pactisipate in gym, and I'll be bored out of my mind. I also missed picking up all the forms in from people in the village.
Love Always,

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