The life in a nutshell.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Dream Dairy

Ok so this is now to be changed into a dream diary type thing. For I have very odd dreams! I have written some down and I try to puzzle them out. Lately I have been putting some major aspects of my dreams into a few key words and entering them in a dream dictionary site. So yeah, I think I'm going to just write about some prominent dreams that happened in the past 2 weeks-ish.

Ok so I long time ago I had dreamt that I was blind, but in the dream I think I was not looking through my eyes but just above my shoulder (I could not see my body, if I turned my head to the side I did not see my shoulder...all my dreams are like this although I am in me.) I could still kinda see, but it was a dark room and I don't remember what the dream was about.

my interpretation:...I have not clue!!

Dream Dictionary:Blind: To dream that you are blind, represents your refusal to see the truth or your lack of awareness to a problem. Perhaps you are rejecting something about yourself or your situation. Are you refusing to see any other point of view except your own? Consider the pun, "turning a blind eye".

afterthoughts: I don't remember when exactly I had the dream so I'm not sure if it's right.

Ok so I had a dream last sunday I beleive about my family and I hiding from our neighbors who were trying to kill us. To get away we went in the pool in our dream backyard. After a while we came out and we were sitting in a clearing of a forest type place. My brother (he was younger, he looked about grade 8) was in quicksand and for somereason I wasn't aloud to save him...the neighbors said so. I tried to draw attention to him drowning in quicksand and eventually I just took him out.

My interpretation: NONE

Dream Diary:Quicksand: To dream that you are sinking in quicksand, signifies that your assumption that you are on solid ground will prove misleading and you will slowly find yourself in an expected situation.

To dream that you are rescued from quicksand by a lover, signifies a worthy and faithful lover.

Afterthought: None of that applied to my dream, I was discouraged by this. I then searched on more than one dream dictionary site but none came up specific to my dream.

I dreamt this dream last night Saturday April 15, 2006. At first I was in a dark room like a prison but it was an open room with no bars, I think now it might've been a mental institution. I had a sister and her boyfriend/soul mate was there. We had come to visit and they were so in love, I was jealous I beleive. That was it.

This was a completely different scene a guy (I think it was the boyfriend) got stabbed or something in his heart area. We were in a garage, My friend Craig was there and he was trying to save the guy, his hands were completely in the guy moving through organs and guts and he brought something out in the open and popped it. Puss came out and after that he fiddled a bit more and he said the guy was going to be fine. I was at the guys head, I then called to my friend Justin to stem the blood will I helped Craig with something. But justin was queesy about the blood and inards he'd have to hold in so I did it. Craig suddenly was all done and said we shouldn't move him, but his mom came and took the guy away. Then I awoke.

My interpretation: I had been reading late into the night a Sweet Valley High book, the boyfriend probably came from that. That day I had been painting with Craig and Justin. As for the blood and guts I have no clue.

Dream Dictionary: blood: To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments. If you see the word "blood" written in your dream, then it may refer to some situation in your life that is permanent and cannot be changed.

To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you.

Dream Dictioanry: room: To see a dark, eerie or confining room, denotes that that you feel trapped or repressed in a situation.

Afterthought: I never know what I really am feeling anymore I suppose I could feel trapped or repressed but I don't think so. I will try and think about that during this week. Now I saw blood but I also he was loosing blood and so I think there's a mix somewhere in there. I can understand I could have been emotionally drained that day. To represent Life,Love, and passion with dissapointments I think is right. At this point I am very odd and the love and passion part is starting to show a little more in me. Which makes me fully aware of the disapointments.

this conlcudes my first officail post of my new Dream Dairy.


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