Saturday, April 29
So all my friends and I biked to my friends house and they were just kinda lazing around. We got a party all started and everyone was having a good time when I notice that one of my friends Jon, is in this computer lab type room. He looks very sad as if he's mourning someone. So I go in and they have a movie for each year of their life (as if they take around a camera to the important events that year and make one video of it)
The video of 2 years ago so 2004 was on and there was a party there. There's this pretty blond girl. In my dream I can't hear anything and I'm not talking I just know stuff. They didn't tell me all that about the video for each year thing. So I try to make him feel better by saying something...then I wake up.
My interpretation: I've been getting to know my 2 friends better lately. That's all I can think of.
Dream Diary: Mourning: To see others mourning in your dream, signifies disturbing influences and misunderstanding amongst your friends that may result in loss, disappointments, or possible separation.
Afterthoughts: We haven't been like that lately.
Dream Dictionary: friend: To see your friends, saddened and troubled, in your dream, signifies sickness and distress upon them.
Afterthought: A few weeks later Jon did get sick.
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