The life in a nutshell.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

I love Auctions!

Today I woke up at 8am. Sorry let me rephrase that, My mother woke me up this morning at being very anoying. My mom is on the District Fair board staff so she gets me into alot of things. Today I went to a Judging update class. Basically alot of older women get told what's changed about the rules and why. (not like judges who send law breaking people to jail, judges who go to fairs and look at what is entered then pick the best one)It was kinda boring at the start, but then we( I say we because I had nothing else to do and was aloud to) got to test 3 different pies, cookies, jams, and tea biscuits then pick the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th out of them all.

So yeah now I have the knowledge of a soon to be judge. But I'm going to Judging school next weekend then I apprentice with a real judge for 3 fairs then I get to become a judge:) Yeah! So when that was over mom and I cleaned up and got home around 2:30pm we left right away and went to an auction (it's been raining all day non stop)

I love auctions! But they take a long time! and I wasn't there at the start so I missed a crocket set (I love crocket by the way but that's a story for a different day) So at the auction my dad got 4 plastic chairs, one outside table, with a big umbrella, alot of cuchions, a grater(big metal blade to put behind a truck) a hammer, one extendable metal ladder, one step ladder, and a chocolate bar for me:) The end till was $77.55 where as you could get the table and umbrella for more then that! and the ladders for like alot more then that! I love auctions!!

Then dad went home to unload it all and left mom and I there freezing in the rain. About an hour and a half later he came back. We got hom,e about 7pm...I can't shake off the chill. and my hands won't warm up at all.

yep that's my day! Surprising I'm in a very good mood...oh and we got the leftovers from the judge class....MUFFINS AND COOKIES GALORE!!!!!! I'm in heaven!!


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Thursday, April 28, 2005


This morning I slept in. I missed english
...uh oh no....uh...ohoh no.
Oh wow I can put the link here :)
Okay this thing is hilarious it's " Green Day In a nut shell" it's awesome! *go's looking for the link*


So this is my day In a Nut Shell! lols *tear* I was very happy today, probably because I got another hour of sleep this morning. Or the Breakfast I eat...slowly this morning! lols Although somebody pointed out that my clothes were incredibly normal today, which I found quite rude! I had Jeans and my huntley sweater on *shrug* So for lunch we were outside for a while but they were painting the lines on the football feild so we went inside and kinda just hung...I went off with my friend sarah for a while and walled randomly down halls! lols I can't remember what but we did have a purpose for walking down the halls!

So then Math was kinda boring my freind stef had her walkman so I scammed it (Everyone in the class has one there almost everyday) All she had was Matchbox 20...which was fine...until I realized I was wasting her batteries!! then I felt bad and gave it back! Last period french was fun I was suposed to be working on some Soree Mystere (Completly went blank on the spelling there) I kinda didn't finish it though so I'll hand it in tomorrow!

I had to abandon kelly again today because I had track and feild! Sarah Finished her Box everybody!!! (She was bragging to everyone) lols it's actually quite pretty it's stained and she finally finished burning her heart in (sounds like it hurts eh! her words not mine) So I had track we got to jump today because all the jumpers were here.(high jump) So far I suck big time with the jumping bit! But I found out that if I blank my mind and stare at the emergancy sign until I reach the bar then I just jump over it! I really miss Elementary school because eveeryone would be there to either cheer you on or compete against you! Or both which was normally what happened!

The other day mom and I went "sight seeing". We started in the village then went to the "richer" houses! I'm a sucker for old houses! I want an old brick house!But it must be DARK RED BRICK!!!! I know it'll be drafty but I love the look of them! And I've found the house I want to live in! It's near Twisty Cream! It's been for sale for a couple of years now...I hope it stays that way! it's red brick (they're using it as an art show kind of house) it has a white porch. It has a little deck above the porch and the rungs on that are painted different colors and the roof is different colours too! ( I'm going by memory right now!) it's probably a big peice of work but it'd be worth it!! They probably want alot for it too! it's a big house it has an upstairs and an attic. Oh and a basement and ground floor obviously! lols! I haven't seen inside of it though:( I might be dissapointed!

Over all I had a good day!

Love Always,

This is actually painted on a wall by a toronto artist! I mean I'm not pronmoting anything! lols! no actually I found it in google a while ago!
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Hey Hey

Hi! I decided I needed a fun blog. I also have a serious blog where I like to think things out. Okay now sometimes what I write sounds really really smart because I use big words. I'd just like to say I don't talk like that in every day conversations. I repeat: I don't talk like that in real life!
Yeah so just wanted to make that clear!

Today was a good day. It was raining for a little while. That may have been what started my day nicely but I didn't go outside at lunch. It stopped raining at lunch. My friends and I were sitting on the bench in the lobby (this is where we sit when we don't go outside) and we were joined by a bunch of other people. I kept pulling the tap-you-on-one-shoulder-then-stand-on-the-other-side-of-you-trick It was hilarious! It was declared that I was a 2 year old trapped in a 14 year olds body!

A bunch of us were standing in a circle talking so I decided it was my time to strike! I ran around the circle tapping everyones shoulder! I got everybody turning around. I did the whole circle about 2 1/2 times!!! it was hilarious! the bell rang then so I couldn't try for 3 times! lols

In english (2nd period) it felt like the end of the day! That period lasted forever!!! But then French (last period of the day) Went by really really really fast! we were doing a quiz. My music probably had something to do with that! lols I mean I wasn't listen to music in class *shifty eyes* lols! I just got my back cracked an hour ago. Now I'm I know! lols

Well that was my day...or the short form of my day. If I went on then This blog would just keep going and going!

Love Always,

(P.S. I'm going to put a picture in every post!)

This is not me but it looks like me when I was small!
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I was a fish when I was small! I haven't changed much since!